(2024年2月舉行)神學學術交流會:思辨傳統中的巴特神學Academic Symposium in Christian Theology: Barthian Theology in the Speculative Tradition




會議以普通話進行,將實體及線上 Zoom 同步。

歡迎踴躍報名,並推介給有興趣的朋友。報名連結請見海報上的 QR Code。

Academic Symposium in Christian Theology: Barthian Theology in the Speculative Tradition

Prof. Thomas Xutong QU, our Adjunct Professor and 2023/24 Visiting Scholar, also one of the editorial committee members of our journal Logos & Pneuma, is invited to participate in the "Academic Symposium in Christian Theology: Barthian Theology in the Speculative Tradition" organized by Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary (HKBTS) and deliver a lecture titled "Tensions between Individual and Community: A Discussion of Moltmann's Critique of Barthian Doctrine of Trinity". Prof. Pui Him IP from HKBTS is the respondent. 

Prof. Shao Kai TSENG, who is one of the editorial committee members of our journal Logos & Pneuma, will also participate in the same event and deliver a lecture titled "The Reception of Kant in Modern Protestant Theology: Taking Barth's Speculative Theology as an Example". Prof. QU Li from HKBTS is the respondent. 

The Symposium will be conducted in Mandarin, both physically and virtually (via Zoom). Please refer to the QR code in the poster.
