信仰疑難:天主教基督徒、東正教基督徒、更正教(新教)基督徒對於耶穌之母瑪利亞有著什麼的看法異同?Difficult beliefs: What are the differences between Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians regarding Mary, the mother of Jesus?

  • 天主教和東正教都相信聖母瑪利亞的肉身復活,即在死後她的肉身和靈魂再次結合。
  • 新教則普遍不承認聖母瑪利亞的肉身復活,認為她與其他信徒一樣,將在末日復活。

  • 天主教認為聖母瑪利亞在肉身復活後被接升天,即被帶到天堂。
  • 東正教也相信聖母瑪利亞升天,但稱之為「安睡」(Dormition),強調她先死亡再升天。
  • 新教一般不承認瑪利亞的升天,認為她與其他信徒一樣,死後在復活日才能進入天堂。

  • 天主教相信聖母瑪利亞無原罪,即她從懷孕到生命結束都沒有犯罪。
  • 東正教則認為聖母瑪利亞在基督救贖的恩典中被保全,但不主張無原罪。
  • 新教則認為所有人,包括瑪利亞都有原罪,只有耶穌基督無罪。

  • 天主教和東正教都尊崇聖母瑪利亞,認為她是信仰的楷模和特殊的救贖恩典的接受者。
  • 新教則尊重聖母瑪利亞,認為她是耶穌的母親,但不認為她具有特殊的地位或在救贖中擔任特殊角色。

  • 天主教和東正教對聖母瑪利亞有所謂的「超度敬禮」,即對她的尊敬超過其他聖人。
  • 新教則不主張對聖母瑪利亞的特殊敬禮(近似新教的崇拜形式),認為只有神才是崇拜的對象。
English Version:

The bodily resurrection of the Virgin Mary:
Both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches believe in the bodily resurrection of Mary, meaning her body and soul were reunited after death.
The Protestant church, on the other hand, generally does not recognize the bodily resurrection of Mary, believing she will be resurrected on Judgment Day like any other believer.

The assumption of the Virgin Mary:
The Catholic Church believes that after the bodily resurrection, Mary was assumed into heaven, meaning she was taken to heaven.
The Eastern Orthodox Church also believes in the assumption of Mary, but they call it “Dormition,” emphasizing that she first died before going to heaven.
The Protestant Church, in general, does not believe in the assumption of Mary, viewing her as any other believer who will enter heaven on Judgment Day.

The immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary:
The Catholic Church believes in the immaculate conception of Mary, meaning she was conceived free from sin and remained sinless throughout her life.
The Eastern Orthodox Church believes that Mary was preserved by the grace of Christ’s redemption but does not assert the immaculate conception.
The Protestant Church, on the other hand, believes that all people, including Mary, are born with sin except for Jesus Christ.

The status of the Virgin Mary:
Both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches revere Mary, considering her as a model of faith and the recipient of special redemptive grace.
The Protestant Church respects Mary as the mother of Jesus but does not believe she holds any special status in redemption or plays a unique role.

Veneration of the Virgin Mary:
Both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches have a practice of “hyperdulia,” which means they give higher respect and honor to Mary than other saints.
In contrast, the Protestant Church does not advocate for any special veneration of Mary or a form of worship like the Catholic or Orthodox Church and views God as the only object of worship.